Given the pandemic fueled real estate market and historically low housing inventory, it can be difficult to understand why a home fails to sell. Yet, some sellers can’t find a buyer for their home. While the market cooled into late 2023, sellers still held sway in many regional and local markets. Greater Atlanta and the multiple submarkets, remain favorable to home sellers; particularly the properly positioned ones.

There can be several reasons why a home fails to sell. It often depends on a variety of factors related to the property, market conditions, and the marketing strategy used. Incompetence and indifference among agents is always in the mix. However, it’s not rocket science and many of the reasons will be traced directly back to the owner of…

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The multiple commission lawsuits impacting the real estate industry will change how home buyers, home sellers and real estate agents interact. If a home seller opts not to offer a co-op compensation, how will home buyers pay agents after the commission lawsuits? That’s a question rippling through the agent ranks and one that home buyers might also want to consider. While the legal wrangling over commission questions may take years to sort out, the impact will be felt regardless of how the appeals play out. There will be unintended consequences and the hit will likely be to those least able to afford it both financially and in terms of home buying experience.

Home Buyers Will Not Use an Agent

Affordability is the single biggest obstacle to…

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