When building a home, roof and drywall completion tend to be significant milestones. Each signifies a turning point, the home has a "top"; something tangible that protects the inside. Interior walls now take shape, the rooms and floor plan come off the drawings. Much has changed with each system as the building industry becomes more efficient. "Old school" methods vs "new school" methods each have their supporters, but there's little doubt that building a home today is nothing like it was decades ago.

Installing Roof Trusses

Trusses have become common place, replacing rafters in most builds, even some custom built homes. It's safe to say that most of the roof truss installation crews have no idea what a rafter is or how use a rafter…

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“Why didn’t mortgage rates drop when the Fed cut the discount rate?” A simple question with so many variables that even experts can’t agree. The focus seems to always be on “the Fed”; how does all of the economic news impact decisions made by the Federal Reserve? Through most of 2024, all eyes were on the Fed as everyone wondered if they would cut rates. They finally did in Sept and again in Nov…and mortgage rates, well, they remain about where they were. So, what happened? But, did anyone (other than the disingenuous media) really think rates were getting into the 5's or lower? No one here, nor anyone associated with legitimate real estate organizations, did. 

The Fed & Rates

The Federal Reserve does not directly set mortgage rates. When the Fed…

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The bite is severe and it’s going to get worse. HOA issues are on the rise, but the vitriol directed at them is not always justified. Homeowner associations exist to maintain property and community standards; to ensure that owners, their properties, and community property, meet agreed upon standards. Over the last several years, many HOAs have been financially stressed and that stress is being passed to residents. The catalyst was the Surfside Condo collapse, the mismanagement there was a clarion call to many. 

Increasing HOA Fees

HOA fees in Greater Atlanta increased by 12.2% from 2022 to 2024; that was about the median across the country. Two main reasons are behind ever increasing monthly fees; inflation and maintaining adequate reserves. The…

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