Found 1 blog entry tagged as Home Office Home Decor Interior Design and Decorating.

As the new year begins and the work from home trend continues, you may find yourself searching for inspiring ideas for a dedicated workspace in your home. Your home office should be a devoted room or area in your home that will help you focus on your tasks at hand without being easily distracted by the TV or the pantry. May these beautiful work spaces embolden you to create a home office that is not only a reflection of you but also will inspire you to do your best work. 

home office featuring bold wallpaper and statement making colors

Alyssa Rosenhaeck


Make a statement with bold wall coverings instead of framed art work. Choosing the wallpaper first will guide your inspiration for the rest of the decor. The lines of gray velvet chair mirror the curves of the elegant florals on the walls.…

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