Tips & real world advice to avoid disaster 

I didn’t expect the answer Mr. X gave me, nor how fast he said, “I effed up, didn't use an agent”. At least he was honest in telling me; “I didn’t know what I didn’t know”. And I was honest in telling him; “now you do”. He described how a friend called and said a home in their community was coming on the market. They were told that the seller "already had interest and wasn't even going to list". This was one of the spots Mr. X wanted badly, so they jumped on it. Without a second thought, without contingencies, and without an agent. As he said, they now realize that a purchase of this magnitude should never be rushed or taken lightly. These are tough conversations and unfortunately, they happen often.

The Anti Agent Push

As the real estate market…

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When building a home, roof and drywall completion tend to be significant milestones. Each signifies a turning point, the home has a "top"; something tangible that protects the inside. Interior walls now take shape, the rooms and floor plan come off the drawings. Much has changed with each system as the building industry becomes more efficient. "Old school" methods vs "new school" methods each have their supporters, but there's little doubt that building a home today is nothing like it was decades ago.

Installing Roof Trusses

Trusses have become common place, replacing rafters in most builds, even some custom built homes. It's safe to say that most of the roof truss installation crews have no idea what a rafter is or how use a rafter…

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The bite is severe and it’s going to get worse. HOA issues are on the rise, but the vitriol directed at them is not always justified. Homeowner associations exist to maintain property and community standards; to ensure that owners, their properties, and community property, meet agreed upon standards. Over the last several years, many HOAs have been financially stressed and that stress is being passed to residents. The catalyst was the Surfside Condo collapse, the mismanagement there was a clarion call to many. 

Increasing HOA Fees

HOA fees in Greater Atlanta increased by 12.2% from 2022 to 2024; that was about the median across the country. Two main reasons are behind ever increasing monthly fees; inflation and maintaining adequate reserves. The…

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damaged house framing

In this post, we look at new home problems with framing. Home builders excel as magicians; now you see it and now you don't as drywall hides all sins. Framing a home is literally building the skeleton, kind of important to get it done right. The majority of new builds are not "custom homes"; they are common plans that builders prefer. Typically, they have "framing packages" delivered to the site. From there, framing crews get to work. Builders always shop price (some might say always cheapest) for materials and labor. It's all about profit, never forget that.

Trashy Framing Lumber

When I'm stammering for words, it's not good. This builder shops the throw away bins at Home Depot and Lowes; wasn't just this one either. Framing lumber is…

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Skilled buyer agents are critical to a successful home purchase. Recent changes to real estate law regarding buyer agent compensation are prompting a new batch of "disruptive" and "innovative" ideas. Simply put, there is no substitute for the guidance provided by an experienced buyer's agent. The internet is ripe with "do it alone" advocates; that advice is straight stupid. Buying a home is a rather significant purchase, most buyers are not savvy to the process.  What could go wrong? Well...consider an inquiry that I received.

"After several missed opportunities a listing appeared in XXXX for an unoccupied home as an estate sale and the asking price was in line with market rates, so we made an offer of asking price. We engaged an inspector, but…

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HGTV home flips are not the real world, so why do so many "investor wanna bees" swallow that hook? In just 22 minutes, you see homes transformed from disasters to diamonds, complete with upbeat hosts exchanging forced banter and crews magically working under budget. Sure, it’s entertaining, but many gullible viewers buy into the fantasy of “getting rich by flipping homes,” only to have it end badly. Trust me, I know. With over 35 years of experience as a full-time broker and appraiser, I’ve worked with both traditional clients and investors. Flipping homes can be a risky endeavor for those who aren’t well prepared — just ask Zillow, Redfin or Opendoor. Combined losses for those all-stars exceeds $1 billion.

Here’s an example, an investor client of…

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There's never a shortage of horror stories with home builders around Greater Atlanta. In this post, we look at new home problems with concrete. Problems here can be catastrophic; everything rides on the foundation being properly installed. Unfortunately, what should be done, sometimes isn't (some would say that's routine). While a company might strive to do things according to the "book", enforcing this at the build site while managing budget, time frames and labor often means things don't always happen as they should. The problem here is that a home is only as good as the foundation it sits on.     

Badly Cracked Basement Slab

That video was a spur of the moment thing born of pure anger. That was almost a $2M home, and as I walked around…

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As the Greater Atlanta real estate market continues to stabilize, Atlanta home sellers must adjust to the balancing market. The Fed mission of slowing the post pandemic nonsense was achieved; this market is largely balanced. Inventory challenges remain of course, but for sellers, it’s no longer “name your price”. While a few sellers in select areas maintain some sway, the majority will either listen to the market or see their homes sit. Don't be stubborn, the Greater Atlanta real estate market is returning to the more predictable, pre-pandemic patterns.

Atlanta Real Estate Inventory

  • The spring/summer ’24 market saw the highest listing inventory in several years
  • Homes going under contract were slightly below previous years
  • Closed…

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brick wall drawing

Once a very common sight around Greater Atlanta, brick is rapidly disappearing from the scene. Homes built with brick enjoy better market appeal, it's a recognized advantage over just about any other exterior surface. The brick is not structural, rather it's an exterior cladding independently supported and tied to the framing with "brick ties".  Brick is virtually maintenance free - when properly installed. The most common issues tend to involve cracking and drainage, cracks above wide openings in particular.

Brick Cracks Above the Garage

This is a pretty common occurrence and is often due to either the lintel supporting the brick sagging or one of the support columns settling over time. Here we saw the support post settle a bit, this…

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A few weeks in and the lawsuit real estate commission policies from the NAR settlement are not having a noticeable local impact. In Georgia, the changes are mainly administrative and have most to do with advertising buyer agent compensation. Buyer brokerage agreements were required prior to the settlement, so not a big change there. The main changes in Georgia were added transparency in the forms, further clarity on payment of agent compensation, and that MLS services no longer advertise if the seller is offering buyer agent compensation.

And because the MSM is not accurately detailing things - sellers have not stopped offering buyer agent compensation. We have not had a single occurrence, nor have any of the agents in our orbit. Our sellers…

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