This home likely had the most significant foundation trouble I've seen over three decades. This was a home I appraised (what is this buyer thinking) and the foundation was failing in several areas, spectacularly so. Based on a thorough look around the entire basement and the site, two major issues stuck out: tree roots and very poor water management. Several trees are very close to the home and good sized roots were against the home in several areas, these are a constant source of pressure as the tree grows. Poor control of surface water is always a recipe for disaster; it's the cause of a multitude of issues. In this case, the two combined and the result is epic deflection of the walls in this foundation.
The foundation damage was part of the problem, the other was the water issue around the site. Control of surface water, down spouts, driveway runoff and any other sources should always be oriented to flow away from the home. The worst thing for a home is to have water standing next to the foundation or pooling in areas close to the home. Always always always make certain to put gravity to work; water will naturally flow down and away. By providing an easy route, you can control it effectively.
Note the several issues present here, all correctable. It's critical to keep the gutters and downspouts clean, that is the easiest and one of the most effective means of moving water away from a home. Clearly we're in a very strong seller's market but buyers should not simply turn a blind eye to homes with significant deferred maintenance. It's better to lose than overpay, and that's what happened here. The appraisal was made subject to an engineer inspecting this home and any repairs deemed necessary being made prior to close; maybe we saved the buyer from themselves...and their agent.
The Hank Miller Team puts 35+ years of full time sales & appraisal experience to work for you. Act with complete confidence & make sound, decisive real estate decisions. 678-428-8276 and Posted by Hank Miller on
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